Sunday, February 14, 2016

Uterine Septum is the most common uterine anomaly. This condition is common in patients  who have difficulty getting pregnant or may have miscarriages. 

It is  usually diagnosed by an ultrasound evaluation. In some cases the diagnosis may be confirmed by an MRI. 

Uterine Septum consists of tissue which divides the uterus into two parts. It is difficult for the pregnancy to continue if the embryo implants on the uterine septum. This condition can be easily and safely treated by hysteroscopy. A operative hysteroscope is placed into the uterine cavity and the uterine septum is easily divided thus opening up the uterine cavity and creating enough space for the pregnancy to develop.  Normal saline (Sodium Chloride solution ) is used to distend the uterine cavity during hysteroscopy so that the cavity is well visualized.

This is an outpatient procedure. The septum is usually partial and the resection can be completed in one sitting unless there is bleeding or rapid fluid absorption. The surgical time is usually 20 minutes. Sometimes the procedure is aided by the use of ultrasound or laparoscopy during surgery depending on the ultrasound / MRI findings. The patients go home the same day and resume routine activities in a couple of days after a hysteroscopic procedure. 

The uterine lining heals by itself in about 2 months after which the patient can try for pregnancy. 

Please click on the link below to view the video for hysteroscopic septum resection:

Please contact me at with any questions! 

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